last oct.7,2008, three beautiful iskolars went to sbarro. one was named dadah, the other one was yel, and the last one was via. they had the indulged themselves to the tastiest pasta in town, although dadah did not want to eat the ziti, she still managed to eat with the other 2.
minutes later, the ziti was already served, via and mariel were already starving to eat their pastas but they can't coz their "gigi-era" friend was still ordering her meal.hahahah(peace to you dadah).
dadah already came! the three started eating. the once full plate became a disaster! there was no evidence of the pasta awhile ago!
what happened?!
is there someone who stole the pasta?
what's the reason behind this?
are they really hungry?
we dont know.
let's just wait for the upcoming adventures of the, ISKOLARS!!
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